Loras Duhawks Coach Chris Martin (2024) | Loras Duhawks
Loras Duhawks Coach Chris Martin (2024) | Loras Duhawks
Alex Singleton
Forward and Forward
6′7″ 215
Ali Sabet
Guard and Guard
6′2″ 180
Connor Mosele
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 195
Declan Ciurlik
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 215
Emmett Loew
Guard and Guard
6′0″ 170
Gavin Sarvis
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 210
Jack Haynes
Forward and Forward
6′7″ 215
Jackson Molstead
Guard and Guard
5′11″ 175
Jared Pearson
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 200
Jim Navarrete
Guard and Guard
6′4″ 200
Kyle Kober
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 185
Kyle Maybrun
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 180
Kyle Traphagan
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 170
Lucas Weiner
Forward and Forward
6′5″ 220
Myles Barry
Guard and Guard
6′2″ 200
Nolan Berendes
Forward and Forward
6′6″ 210
Oli Gestsson
Center and Center
6′7″ 225
Patrick Quarnstrom
Guard and Guard
6′3″ 200
Tyler Bass
Guard and Guard
6′7″ 190