
Dubuque Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Dubuque: Dubuque City Council Adopts Fiscal Year 2024 Budget


Mayor Brad M. Cavanagh | City Mayor City of Dubuque

Mayor Brad M. Cavanagh | City Mayor City of Dubuque

The Dubuque City Council has adopted the City’s operating budget and five-year capital improvement program (CIP) budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, which runs July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024.

The Dubuque City Council has adopted the City’s operating budget and five-year capital improvement program (CIP) budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, which runs July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The total budget is $237,525,419, which includes a $160,971,276 operating budget and a $76,554,143 capital budget. 

The budget was adopted at a public hearing on Thursday, March 23, and followed a Feb. 20 public hearing to set the maximum property tax levy amount and a series of seven public meetings in February and March.  

“This budget allows Dubuque to maintain some of the lowest rates and fees among peer Iowa cities while making significant investments in critical infrastructure, programs, facilities, and the retention and recruitment of quality staff,” said Dubuque Mayor Brad Cavanagh. 

The FY2024 five-year CIP budget of $76.6 million is a 10.5% increase from the current year CIP.  The five-year plan includes over $31 million for sanitary sewer improvements, $24 million to improve the Five Flags Civic Center, nearly $9 million for traffic capacity improvements to the East-West Corridor, $4.8 million for fire station expansion/relocation, and $1.3 million for implementation of the Central Avenue Streetscape Master Plan 

The budget also includes over $32 million in loans to replace the lead water service lines at nearly 3,300 homes using $29 million of forgivable loans funded by the federal and state governments. 

To support employee recruitment and retention efforts in a highly competitive labor market, the operating budget includes wage increases of 6% for sworn staff in the police and fire departments and 9-1-1 dispatchers and 5% increases for all other collective bargaining agreements and non-represented employees. 

The budget will allow the City to maintain a General Fund Cash Reserve (or working balance to allow for unforeseen expenses that may occur) of $29.7 million in FY2024, nearly 42% of the City’s projected revenue and more than double the goal of 20%. 

Property Tax 

The city portion of the Dubuque property tax rate for FY2024 will be $9.9014 per thousand dollars of assessed value, a $0.19 or 1.9% increase over FY2023.  This will result in a 2.94% ($23.25) cost increase for the average residential property owner, a 8.77% ($268.52) cost increase for the average commercial property owner, and a 6.55% ($296.26) cost increase for the average industrial property owner. 

Of the 11 largest cities in Iowa, Dubuque will have the lowest city property tax rate.  The highest (Waterloo, $20.81) is 110% higher than Dubuque, and the average is 49% higher than Dubuque. 

When comparing taxes per capita among the 11 largest cities, Dubuque has the second lowest rate at $518.77.  The highest (West Des Moines) is 141% higher than Dubuque's taxes per capita, and the average is 66% higher than Dubuque. 


The monthly fee for the average residential water customer (6,000 gallons) will increase from $33.18 to $35.82, an 8% increase.  Of the seven largest Iowa cities with water softening, Dubuque’s rate will be the second lowest in FY2024.  The highest rate (West Des Moines, $42.94) is 20% higher than Dubuque’s rate, and the average is 6% higher than Dubuque. 

Sanitary Sewer 

The monthly fee for the average residential customer (6,000 gallons) will increase from $47.82 to $50.22, a 6% increase.  Of the 11 largest cities in the state, Dubuque’s rate will be the fourth highest. The highest rate (Davenport, $60.65) is 21% higher than Dubuque’s rate, and the average is 15% lower than Dubuque.  

Curbside Collection The basic monthly fee for curbside collection will increase from $15.38 to $15.83 in FY2024, a 2.93% increase.  Of the eight largest Iowa cities with curbside collection of trash, recycling, and yard waste, Dubuque will have the lowest rate.  The highest rate (Ames, $29.08) is 84% higher than Dubuque’s rate, and the average is 36% higher than Dubuque. 

Storm Water 

The monthly base fee for the average residential property will increase from $9 to $10, an 11.1% increase. Of the 10 largest cities with storm water utilities, Dubuque will have the second highest.  The highest rate (Des Moines, $18) is 64% higher than Dubuque’s rate, and the average is 34% lower than Dubuque. 

The City offers income-qualified residential customers a reduction in monthly fees for all four City utilities (water, sanitary sewer, refuse collection, and storm water) of up to 50% of the base rate. To review eligibility or to apply, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/utilitiesdiscount or call 563-589-4144.    

A summary of the FY2024 budget and details on the City’s debt-reduction plan are available in the FY2024 “Dollars and Cents” brochure at https://cityofdubuque.org/DocumentCenter/View/54330/Dollars-and-Cents-Brochure-for-FY2024-CM033-032323   

For complete details on the City’s adopted FY2024 budget, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/fy2024budget.  To view the City’s “Open Budget” dashboard and explore the City’s operating and capital budgets, visit http://dollarsandcents.cityofdubuque.org/   To review all City expenditures, visit the “Open Expenses” dashboard at http://expenses.cityofdubuque.org/      

Original source can be found here.