City of Dubuque recently issued the following announcement on August 26.
The Dubuque City Council completed its annual goal-setting sessions on Wednesday, Aug. 25.
Over the course of three evening sessions, City Council members affirmed the 15-year vision statement and mission statement and identified eight five-year goals for the city. They also identified top and high priorities for a 2021-2023 policy agenda as well as in-progress projects and capital projects for 2021-2023.
The 2036 Dubuque Vision Statement
Dubuque 2036 is a sustainable and resilient city, an inclusive and equitable community where ALL are welcome. Dubuque 2036 has preserved our Masterpiece on the Mississippi, has a strong, diverse economy and expanding connectivity. Our residents experience healthy living and active lifestyles; have choices of quality, affordable, livable neighborhoods; have an abundance of diverse, fun things to do; and are successfully and actively engaged in the community.
Mission Statement
Dubuque city government is progressive and financially sound with residents receiving value for their tax dollars and achieving goals through partnerships. Dubuque city government’s mission is to deliver excellent municipal services that support urban living; contribute to an equitable, sustainable city; plan for the community’s future; and facilitate access to critical human services.
City of Dubuque Goals 2026
- Robust Local Economy: Diverse Businesses and Jobs with Economic Prosperity
- Vibrant Community: Healthy and Safe
- Livable Neighborhoods and Housing: Great Place to Live
- Financially Responsible, High-Performance City Organization: Sustainable, Equitable, and Effective Service Delivery
- Sustainable Environment: Preserving and Enhancing Natural Resources
- Partnership for a Better Dubuque: Building Our Community that is Viable, Livable, and Equitable
- Diverse Arts, Culture, Parks, and Recreation Experiences and Activities
- Connected Community: Equitable Transportation, Technology Infrastructure, and Mobility
Policy agenda items are issues that need direction or a policy decision by the City Council, or need a major funding decision by the City Council, or issues that need City Council leadership in the community or with other governmental bodies. The policy agenda is divided into top priorities and high priorities.
2021 – 2023 Top Priorities (in alphabetical order):
- Chaplain Schmitt Island Master Plan Implementation
- City Information & Network Security
- Equitable Poverty Prevention & Reduction Plan Implementation
- Federal Infrastructure Program Preparation
- Five Flags Center Direction
- Historic Building Rehabilitation/Preservation
- Sewer System Infrastructure Upgrade (including Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer System)
- Bee Branch Watershed Project: Next Steps
- Childcare Initiative
- Community Broadband Expansion
- Complete Streets Concept Implementation: 16th St./Elm St./14th St. Railroad Overpass Project
- Comprehensive Parks Master Plan
- Imagine Dubuque Implementation
- West End Fire Station