There were $10,410 in total contributions made to political candidates by Manchester citizens during 2019 and 2020, 69.7 percent of which went to Republican Party causes and candidates.
The candidate that received the most money in contributions from individuals and organizations in Iowa was the Republican candidate Kim Reynolds.
Donations made to political groups or candidates must be disclosed under state law for greater transparency in elections. While Congress created the Federal Election Commission to oversee federal elections in 1974, each state is left to regulate its local elections. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, eleven states have no limits on how much can be contributed to a candidate by individual donors, while the other 39 states often limit the amount someone can contribute based on the office the candidate is running for.
Donor | Candidate | Party | Amount |
Amanda Nieman | Andy McKean | Republican | $100 |
Amy Bennett | Clinton Petersen | Democratic | $100 |
Ashley Brehme | N. Joel Fry | Republican | $25 |
Ashley Brehme | Shannon Lundgren | Republican | $25 |
Clarence Slife | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Cliff Bunting | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $50 |
Clifford or Marily D.M. Bunting | Lee Hein | Republican | $25 |
Dale Manternach | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Dave Eibey | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Dave Joyce Lux | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $150 |
Delaware County Democratic Central Committee | Everett Chase | Democratic | $250 |
Delaware County Republican Central Committee | Lee Hein | Republican | $250 |
Edward Poynor | Andy McKean | Republican | $50 |
Gary W. Jackson | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Janet Leonard | Christian Andrews | Democratic | $5 |
Janet Leonard | Eric Gjerde | Democratic | $5 |
Janet Leonard | Jennifer Kakert | Democratic | $10 |
Janet Leonard | Jennifer Pellant | Democratic | $5 |
Janet Leonard | Todd Prichard | Democratic | $10 |
Jeff Zumbach | Lee Hein | Republican | $25 |
John E. Tyrrell | Lee Hein | Republican | $100 |
John Nichols | Andy McKean | Republican | $500 |
John Nichols | David Williams | Democratic | $500 |
John Nichols | Eric Gjerde | Democratic | $1,000 |
John Nichols | Kirsten Running-Marquardt | Democratic | $500 |
John Nichols | Mary Gaskill | Democratic | $450 |
Jon Ries | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $500 |
Kevin Glanz | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $50 |
Kevin L. Glanz | Lee Hein | Republican | $200 |
Larry Swanson | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Leonard Steiner | Andy McKean | Republican | $3,000 |
Loras Recker | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $450 |
Margaret S. Bramman | Everett Chase | Democratic | $50 |
Mark Guetzko | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Michael Elsinger | Rob Sand | Democratic | $10 |
Patrick Dolan | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $250 |
Rachael York | Liz Mathis | Democratic | $250 |
Richard Belden | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Richard McDowell | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $200 |
Richard Recker | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Richard Retz | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $150 |
Robert or Jeanette Nieman | Lee Hein | Republican | $25 |
Roger D. Mullis | Kim Reynolds | Republican | $30 |
Roxanne Jackson | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Timothy or Tricia A.K. Collier | Lee Hein | Republican | $100 |
Wayne Burkle | Daniel Zumbach | Republican | $100 |
Will Simons | Scott Syroka | Not Available | $10 |